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Diabetes Solutions Reimagined

Welcome to Woodlands Health & Performance, where we’re changing diabetes management! Our new approach is totally unique – we administer insulin as a hormone rather than a drug. How does it work? We use small doses to resensitize the insulin receptor in a way that mimics normal glucose metabolism. This treatment gives the receptor some much-needed downtime, which allows it to heal and revitalize itself. The results are more energy, better health, and overall well-being. We’re proud to offer this multi-patented system for diabetic treatment, and it’s already changing lives in St. Cloud, MN. If you’re looking for a new approach to managing your diabetes, check out inSolutions today.

Regenerate & Repair

Cellular energy helps damaged tissues and organs to grow, repair and regenerate.

Stabilize & Metabolize

Our treatment helps stabilize and even reverse the complications of diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

inSolutions May Be Right for You!

Living with diabetes can be downright frustrating, especially when you’re constantly reminded of its presence. Our new program, inSolutions, offers evidence-based treatments that have been shown to reverse the complications associated with diabetes and even lower HbA1c levels. Our staff will help you find out if your insurance covers the treatment (don’t worry, historically, most major insurance, including Medicare, cover the treatment.) So, if you’re ready to stop merely covering up your symptoms and address the root cause? Then you’re ready for a customized inSolutions treatment plan!

Historically, Medicare & Most Major Insurances Cover inSolutions

  • Expect an “Induction Phase” of weekly infusions that reduce in frequency after about 90 days.
  • The “Maintenance Phase” consists of shorter periods of treatment with longer periods between treatments.

inSolutions is not a cure for diabetes, but a new treatment that helps make it much easier to manage.

Kasi Zack, RN

Kasi Zack, CNP

Kasi Zack is a Family Nurse Practitioner with over 10 years of experience in home care. Because of her work with diabetic and diabetic neuropathy patients, she is especially passionate about functional and regenerative medicine. She is very excited by the health benefits she has seen with her patients from Physiologic Insulin Resensitization, including lowering A1c levels, reducing diabetic medications, alleviating neuropathy, enhancing wound healing, and boosting energy.

Kasi looks forward to meeting new patients and helping them on their journey to better health.

Insulin Treatment for Diabetes in St. Cloud, MN

Kasi Zack is a Family Nurse Practitioner with over 10 years of experience in home care. Because of her work with diabetic and neuropathy patients, she is especially passionate about functional and regenerative medicine. She is very excited by the health benefits she has seen with her patients from Physiologic Insulin Resensitization, including lowering A1c levels, reducing diabetic medications, alleviating neuropathy, enhancing wound healing, and boosting energy.

Kasi looks forward to meeting new patients and helping them on their journey to better health.

Benefits of Insulin Treatment

Invest in sustainable health with Woodlands Health & Performance. With our innovative approach, the benefits of the insulin receptor in diabetes management include:

  • Blood sugar regulation
  • Stabilize, reverse, and prevent diabetes complications
  • Regenerate and repair damaged tissues and organs
  • Dosage flexibility
  • Improved quality of life

Insulin Treatment for Diabetes FAQ

Woodlands Health & Performance’s advanced approach to insulin treatment for diabetes is transformative for those seeking to control their health holistically. However, if you are unfamiliar with diabetes insulin treatment, you may feel overwhelmed or unsure of what treatment entails. To provide you with clarity, we’ve compiled a helpful FAQ for insulin receptors for diabetes.

What Is the Difference Between Type-1 & Type-2 Diabetes?

Type-1 and type-2 diabetes are chronic conditions that compromise blood sugar regulation. Type-1 diabetes is classified as an autoimmune disease that causes the body to mistakenly destroy the insulin-producing cells found in the pancreas. In contrast, type-2 diabetes refers to insufficient insulin production or developed insulin resistance, often as a result of lifestyle factors.

Are There Any Negative Consequences of Insulin Treatment?

Insulin receptor for diabetes is integral to one’s health and quality of life. However, there are potential side effects, including:

  • Hypoglycemia/low blood sugar
  • Weight gain due to improperly managed blood sugar levels
  • Insulin injection site reactions
  • Anxiety for those with a fear of needles
  • Insufficient treatment adherence results in uncontrolled blood sugar

How Much Longer Must I Take Insulin?

The duration of diabetes insulin receptors varies depending on the type and severity of the individual’s condition. The insulin receptor is a lifelong requirement for individuals with type-1 diabetes. In contrast, those with gestational or type-2 diabetes may require insulin temporarily or long-term, depending on their response to treatment.

How Is Insulin Administered?

Diabetes insulin treatment is administered using an injection. Insulin can be injected into various areas of fatty tissue across the body. However, it’s important to use different injection sites each time insulin is administered to mitigate complications derived from continual same-spot injections.

Let’s Discuss Your Diabetes Care Insulin Treatment

Enhance your health with the latest advances in diabetes and insulin receptors at Woodlands Health & Performance. Step beyond just masking your symptoms and embrace the power of evidence-based treatments that target the underlying concerns to get on track toward feeling your best. Contact our team today to discuss diabetes care treatment.

Schedule Your Appointment Today