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Chiropractic, Physical Therapy & Medical Diabetic Relief in St. Cloud.

Now Offering
Medical Diabetic Relief

Professional Chiropractic Care & Physical Therapy

Back pain is one of the most common ailments in America. Our experienced chiropractors and physical therapists help patients recover from injuries through chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage therapy, and holistic medicine. Back and neck pain result from muscle strains often caused by injury, heavy lifting, poor posture, or prolonged sitting. Patients can find welcome pain relief and increased mobility with special attention from a qualified chiropractor. We treat a variety of ailments, including auto injuries, back pain, neck pain, headaches, and shoulder pain. Our comprehensive health clinic provides the following services:

Natural treatment in St. Cloud

Heal Naturally With Non-Invasive Treatment

Woodlands Health & Performance is a highly skilled chiropractor in Saint Cloud, MN. We promote natural healing with professional chiropractic care, physical therapy, and massage. Our team is here to help you feel your best by relieving pain and discomfort. We support well-being and help patients live pain-free through chiropractic care and physical therapy. Don’t hide your symptoms if you’re suffering from neck or back pain. Receive holistic pain relief with an honest, no-nonsense approach to regaining your health. We’ll provide the therapy and education you need to get your health and your life back.

Holistic Therapy in St. Cloud

Live Free of Back Pain & Neck Pain

Our licensed health professionals practice the latest modern holistic therapy techniques. We do our best to help every patient start living free from back and neck pain. Our clinic offers a variety of physical therapy and chiropractic care options to help get you back to your best health. We provide the least invasive, quality chiropractic care in Saint Cloud, MN. Our services will help improve your quality of life by treating muscle strains. We can help you gain more movement, recover from an injury, and ease chronic pain. Contact us today and get stronger quicker with the chiropractic and physical therapy services you need to support recovery.

Chiropractic Wellness Center in St. Cloud, MN

Woodlands Health & Performance takes a new approach to holistic wellness. Our chiropractic wellness center in St. Cloud, MN, transcends the industry standard by taking a multidisciplinary approach to whole-body health. We combine chiropractic care, physical therapy, and medical diabetic relief to sustainably optimize our patient’s well-being and quality of life from the inside out.

Your Center for Chiropractic & Wellness Care

At Woodlands Health & Performance, our patients’ health requirements and wellness objectives serve as our driving force. With a commitment to the highest standards of quality care, we develop tailored care plans, blending diverse therapy modalities that align with your treatment aspirations, including:

  • Chiropractic care
  • Healthcare therapies
  • Medical diabetic relief

Chiropractic Care

Our chiropractic wellness center is home to a range of individualized therapies. Our multifaceted services address musculoskeletal trauma, car accident injuries, chronic pain, headaches, and beyond. Our role is to unlock your innate healing power to enhance physical function and mental wellness with chiropractic therapies, including masterful manual adjustments, spinal decompression, exercise instruction, lifestyle modifications, and nutritional guidance.

Healthcare Therapies

Discover non-invasive healthcare therapies that support your physical and mental well-being with Woodlands Health & Performance. Expedite recovery and achieve a life free of pain with tailored treatments that support full-body health and enhanced quality of life without medications or surgical intervention. Our healthcare therapies include:

  • Physical therapy
  • Message therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • MLS therapy

Medical Diabetic Relief Therapy

Experience diabetic management without the risk of medication reliance or unnecessary procedures at St. Cloud’s leading diabetic wellness center. With a focus on holistic improvements, we address the root cause of insulin resistance with holistic, medical diabetic relief therapies, including:

  • Veins
  • Wound healing

Minnesota DOT

Minnesota DOT requires commercial driver’s license holders to undergo a DOT-certified physical examination and medical certification. Woodlands Health & Performance is a licensed medical examiner with the Department of Transportation. With extensive expertise, we can accurately assess your commercial driving fitness with our same-day DOT exams.

Chiropractic Care, Physical Therapy & Wellness Center

At Woodlands Health & Performance, we step beyond traditional healthy living chiropractic & wellness center services. Instead, we assess injuries, ailments, and conditions holistically. Focusing on complete body health, we don’t just address symptoms; we target the underlying problem to enhance your physical and mental fitness.

Client Reviews

Get in Touch Today

48 29th Ave N
St. Cloud, MN 56303



Hours of Operation
Monday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM – 12:00 PM

48 29th Ave N, St Cloud, MN 56303, USA